
Showing posts from September, 2020

Modern Physics, Galileo Galilei & Their Inventions

Modern physics is solely based on the two major break-through  of the early 20th century and that are Albert Einstein’s Theory of relativity   (special theory and general theory)  and Max Planck’s quantum theory. The basic difference between the classical and modern physics is that classical  physics  deals with small velocity and large distance. While on the other hand modern physics deal with the largest moving thing in  the  universe as well as the smallest moving thing in the universe. All physics after the early 1890s is considered to be part of modern physics Father of modern Physics -  Galileo  Galilei About Galileo Galilee Galileo Galilee born in February 15 , 1564, Pisa (Italy)  He Died in January 8, 1642, Arcetri, near   (Florence) He was a Italian natural Philosopher, Astronomer, and Mathematician who  made fundamental contributions to the  science of Motion , Astronomy ,  and Strength of material and to the development of th